Can custom shaped windows come in tilt/turn/tilt?

Yes, it is possible to make custom-shaped windows in tilt or tilt-turn versions, but it is important to note that due to the complexity of the design, this is not always feasible. Windows with irregular shapes, such as round, triangular or arched, require particularly precise design and manufacturing. In the case of opening windows, additional challenges are presented by tilt and tilt-turn mechanisms, which must be adapted to the specific geometry of the window. This can sometimes limit the applicability of these functions, especially when the shape of the window makes the opening mechanisms unable to function properly without compromising the tightness or stability of the entire structure.

Each such window requires an individual analysis to assess whether it is feasible to make it tilt or tilt-turn. Therefore, we encourage you to contact our company, Feneste, so that we can make an accurate estimate and verify the technical possibilities. Our specialists, based on the specifications of the project, will help assess whether this type of solution is possible in your case, as well as propose the best options that will ensure the functionality of the window while maintaining high aesthetics and durability.

We realize that windows with non-standard shapes often perform not only a functional function, but also an aesthetic one, giving character to buildings. Therefore, we make every effort to provide customers with the widest possible choice of technical solutions. For particularly demanding projects, we can offer alternative solutions that preserve the style of the window, while allowing it to be opened or tilted safely and conveniently.

We invite you to contact us directly so that together we can find the best solution to meet all your needs.

Custom shaped windows