What are the recommendations for installing energy-efficient windows?

Recommendations for the installation of energy-efficient windows place special emphasis on installation, which is key to ensuring maximum energy efficiency. Even the best, most technologically advanced windows won't do their job if they are poorly installed.

The best solution is the so-called. installation in the insulation layer, which minimizes thermal bridges and prevents heat escape. In this case, the windows are installed in the outer layer of the building, which means that the thermal insulation covers the entire window, not just the part embedded in the wall. Such an installation allows you to get the maximum benefit from windows with a low heat transfer coefficient (Uw), providing more effective thermal insulation.

A cheaper also good option is airtight installation, it includes the use of special mounting tapes (vapor-proof and vapor-permeable) and insulating foams, which protect the connections between the window and the wall from moisture and air penetration. It is important that any gaps are carefully sealed to prevent the formation of thermal bridges through which heat could escape.

In conclusion, the installation of energy-efficient windows should be carried out by experienced professionals who will take care of the tight connection with the building, preferably in the insulation layer, to take full advantage of the thermal insulation properties of the windows.

Recommended installation types